Fully qualified experts with over 39 years' experience
Ensure you have all the details
If you are purchasing a property, it is important to know about the condition of the structure and any potential defects or problems that could impact on your investment. A thorough survey can help you in this process, by providing detailed information on the structure of the building and other elements of the construction.
At Mike Kidder Associates we specialise in RICS Survey Level 2, which allow you to consider any risks and future works which may be found. By coming to us, we can help you to make an educated decision about the purchase. You can also come to us for market valuations.
What comes with my chosen survey?
Our property surveys will provide you with all the information that you need to make a safe and well informed purchase, or decide on whether a property is right for you.
Our surveyors also provide a telephone consultation, before the report is signed off and emailed to you and your solicitor. We do this to guide you through the report and help you understand our findings, and the impact they may have on a purchase.
Got any questions?
If it’s your first purchase, it can be difficult to understand what the report means to you. We are always happy to help if you have any further questions after receiving the survey or need anything clarifying.